06 Apr The Skill-UP project kicks-off
Skill-UP: skilling, upskilling and reskilling in the future Air Transport kicks-off today. Launched in the framework of the Erasmus+ initiative,the Skill-UP research project defines new knowledge, skills and competences required for the different professionals of the aeronautical sector of the future. Starting from a needs analysis, Skill-UP intends to redesign educational and vocational training programs. Specifically, the new courses will allow for skilling, upskilling and reskilling of current and future workforce in air transport.
Currently, twelve partners from five countries are gathered in Rome. They include education and training institutions, as well as industry and the aeronautical sector. Today, they will launch the project and coordinate the initial research activities.
Deep Blue coordinates Skill-UP, following a well-traced research path for the company. We started in 2015, with the project AIRVET (Aeronautic industry skill resolution for a more efficient VET offer, 2015-2017). Then, we participated in the H2020 (2016-2019), focused on the skills required from workers of the whole European transport sector and the training offer available to them. More recently, we took part in the Erasmus+ (2018-2019), aimed at bringing closer professional and academic pathways within aviation.
We hope that our work will help European aviation stay at the edge of competitiveness through first class education offer.