In marketing, Personas are used to represent the characteristics, needs and motivations of the targetusers of a product. A number of Personas can be developed, each embodying a possible user’s type. Each Persona is usually given a name: this is not representing a real person, but the prototype of a single user’s type.
In the framework of skill-UP project, a set of Personas were developed in order to represent the target users of future aviation training programmes. These will allow a more concrete visualisisation of future aviation job profiles, that will feed the design of appropriate study pathways.
skill-UP personas intend:
• To facilitate the efficient and effective adjustment of the workforce to future aviation scenarios
• To assist training providers, employees and employers
Personas are usually presented through a template, including a number of placeholders. Each placeholder embeds one of the user’s characteristics that are deemed relevant for the product.
In case you had the chance to analyse skill-UP future scenarios, (availabe here) you will understand a direct correlation of such scenarios with the personas concept. Indeed, such scenarios were one of the three axis that allowed an informed and well structured development of the skill-UP personas.